Tuesday 23 April 2013

IVF on or off ?

Good afternoon friends. My appointment yesterday was at 11.45 am. My husband and I reached the clinic around 10.30 am. We were called in after 30 minutes. Dr Helena greeted us and we did not waste any time. Dr scanned me...Although she was counting the follicles, she was finding for the dominant follicle. She then measured it. It was 7mm...The size had reduced. Previously was 10mm. Dr told us that we were on the winning side but I had to do an urgent blood test. I was to be tested for estradiol and also progesterone level. I was asked to go to level 3A to perform the blood test. We immediately got it done. We were asked to come to the clinic in an hour’s time. We went for a drink, chatted a while and went back to the clinic. After a while of waiting, I heard my name was mentioned by one of the nurse. I was called in to see the doctor. I was not that nervous going in the clinic to hear the news. I opened the door knob looked at the doctor. Dr said "Good news". Pheww....I knew I was on the right track. Dr told me that my levels were good and I can start my IVF soon. She said that I will be getting my period in 2 to 3 days. Then I can start my IVF on day 2. Dr asked me if I wanted to take back my injections or come in when I get my period. She knew that we were coming from quite a distance. We decided we would bring back the injections with us. I did not understand the science behind the period again as I just finished my period last week. I was too excited I could start my IVF that I did not go into the details behind the science of my case. Dr said that we had won this time. Since my nurse was no longer with the clinic, I was assigned to another nurse; Nurse M.

Nurse M explained how to use my injections. I was to give her a call when I get my period so that we can make an appointment for Day 6. I was given Puregon injection Kit as below.

I had my cooler bag, ice bag, Puregon pen, puregon cartridge, needles, alcohol swabs, a consent form and my medication table. I was supposed to start my injection on Day 2. My dosage was Puregon 250 IU. Below is a video on how to use the pen correctly.


We then were called to make a payment. The Finance Officer noted that we were starting our IVF soon. She asked us how much was our package discussed with the Dr. We told her we did not discuss on that. She then checked and realized our package was RM15000 altogether. So we decided to break the payment into 3 payments. 

Total IVF cost - RM 15000

We paid - RM 5000