Monday 1 April 2013

Acupuncture session 1 completed

Good evening friends.....Looking at my title, sure you guys would have figured out that I have found an acupuncture centre at last...My husband managed to find an acupuncture centre in Raub last Friday. Since I was not really recovered from cupping last week, I decided to go on Monday (which is today). Please refer to the website below for more information on acupuncture.

The centre opens at 10.30 am. I called the centre around 10.20 am. The receptionist answered. I told her that I will be coming at 11am...She said OK...My husband and I reached the clinic right on time. The clinic was full. We did not have place to sit at all. I asked the girl how many people were before us. She said 6 more and it will be long enough before your turn. She asked us to come back at 12 pm. Then we went to the town and went back to the clinic at 11.45am. The clinic was looking better that time. We patiently waited for our turn. It was 12.30 pm by the time my turn came. We have to take off our shoes before we go in the doctor's room. We were greeted by a young lady doctor. I explained our situation that we were trying for a baby and we will be doing our IVF next month. She asked if we were OK in term of all the treatment. We just answered YES...She grabbed my right hand and checked my wrist for some time. She then did the same for my left hand....After some time, she asked me to show my tongue. She immediately told us...Your stomach is not good. Your period cycle is not good. You have a lot of 'angin' (gas) in your body. WOW....We were so impressed how she found that out. She asked me if I was taking any medicine. I told her all the vitamins that I was taking. She jot down as I was telling one by one. Then she asked me if I drink alcohol or smoke. I said 'No'. That was good. She jots that down as well. She started to advise me what I should do and what shouldn't I do.

1) I should not be eating spicy food
2) I should not add coconut milk to my food intake
3) I should not be taking iced drinks. Only warm water is allowed
4) I should eat slowly

As she told me the first two item, I was thinking to myself. I just cooked chicken curry and added a bit coconut milk to the curry before coming to the clinic. Oh Oh....Probably I will start that from tomorrow. The doctor explained that spicy and coconut milk cause 'angin'(gas). She said that since this is my first time doing acupuncture, I might need to come in very frequent. She suggested me to come in at least 3 times a week. It is so that the blood is circulated well throughout the body. We agreed. She then showed us our cubicle. This clinic can accommodate 3 patients at one time. We were parted by curtain. I lay down on the bed. She looked at my stomach. She put some wet cotton on my tummy. I guess it should be the alcohol swab. She took a needle and poke on my tummy one by one. 4 needles went on my tummy. She asked me if there was any pain. I said 'No'. She said 'Good'. The places that she poked were all the essential points. She then pokes 1 needle each on both my hands. She pokes 2 needles each of both my thighs. She always asks if it is painful. I always said 'No'. She even pushed in deeper and asks me if it is painful now. I said just slightly. Doctor said 'Very good'. Altogether 10 needles were on me. Doctor said that we have to wait for 20 minutes. The doctor's assistant came in with a TDP lamp. She put it so that the machine is facing towards my tummy. It provided some heat. My husband and I waited. It was already 20 minutes. Doctor came in and advised that I can't bathe or wash hand within 1 hour. After that, it is fine. I should be feeling tired today because of all the muscle and it is perfectly normal. First 2 acupuncture session the patient will feel tired. By the third session, no more tiredness. She also advised me to drink a lot of water. She then left. She did not take out the needles. After another 10 minutes, her assistant came in and removed all the needles. She also asked if it was painful. I just said ' No'. As we were leaving to the door, the doctor told us again' Don't forget what I said'. I said OK. I told her that I will meet her tomorrow. We paid and tried to make an appointment at 10.30am tomorrow. The receptionist said it was already full. She said I only could come in at 12pm. So 12 pm it is. I will definitely meet her tomorrow. How am I feeling after 3 hours? For the tiredness, I do not feel so much of that. Just slight muscle pulls on my hands now and then. Otherwise I feel perfectly normal. 

Total cost :-

Acupuncture for fertility - RM 25

1 comment:

  1. There are a lot acupuncture benefits and I believe that the most famous is the fact the it can help well with fertility.
