Thursday 24 January 2013

IUI Done....

Hi .....My appointment for IUI was yesterday. My husband was supposed to go in before 9am and my IUI was supposed to be at 11am. We left our house at 6.15am...We reached the clinic at 8.30 am. We were a bit late because of the traffic jam. The clinic was already open when we reached. Our nurse was there. She was busy writing something. Another nurse, Nurse N brought us to the lab just nearby the clinic. The embryologist asked me to check my name and my IC number on the sampling bottle. After that, she showed my husband a man's room for him to provide his sperm sample. I waited at the clinic. The clinic and the man's room are very near. According to my husband, it was a small room with television and video. After he collected his supply, he passed it to the embryologist. He had to fill up a form with his name, my name and the collection time and also his signature. I guess it's just part of the procedure. We asked nurse M what time I should be back at the clinic. She said at 10.30am. So we went downstairs, crossed the road and headed to Subway. We had a good breakfast. We then decided to go back to the clinic at 10am.

There were so many couples yesterday. So many of them come in the clinic with an ice box else they will return with an ice box. It's all the medications. I started drinking and drinking since nurse M told me that I need to go in for IUI with full bladder. I drank and drank and drank. My bladder was full by 11am. I waited and waited. The sperm wash was not ready yet. My bladder was not really tolerating with me. 11.30 came and I asked nurse M what was happening. She said that it was not ready. I then had to surrender. I rushed to the washroom. I emptied my bladder since it was too full. After that, I started to drink again..Around 12.10pm, nurse M told me that the wash was ready. Another nurse brought me to the IUI room. She checked my bladder and it was empty. She said I need to drink a lot of water. I then refilled my water bottle and gulped the water. Gulp, gulp and gulp till I was feeling full. I felt my bladder was full. Nurse M checked me again. She said it is almost full and I need to drink 1 cup water more. Oh my....I drank and got checked again. My bladder was full at last. She said she will need to call the doctor. I waited around 10 minutes for the doctor. I was having hard time waiting since my bladder was full and I needed to go to the washroom. I tried to keep it together.

I was so happy to see Dr. Helena at last. We had a small chat. Dr asked me to tell my full name and IC just to ensure the details are correct. She then asked me to verify a test tube with my name and IC. It contained my husband's washed sperms. It was a procedure just to verify the correct sperm going in me. She then put a speculum into my vagina. It was quite uncomfortable first. She then put a very thin catheter and injected the sperms in. I could feel a gush of liquid when the injection was done. We could see the process on the monitor. We could see the speculum and the sperms as well. Dr said the sperm are in the right place, very close to the fallopian tiub. I just hope that any one healthy sperm find its way to my egg.

Oh ya I forgot. Dr said my husband's sperm count was excellent. He had 230millions of sperm. WOW! That was a huge number. It has increased since the last test. I did not get the detailed report. Will request for it on my next visit. Dr. asked me to take 10 minutes rest and then I can go to the washroom. She did give us homework. She asked us to try at night just to improve the chances. She wished a good luck and left. Then my nurse came and gave me Duphaston supply. Dr said it was good to keep the hormone level balanced and also to help with the implantation. I hope it helps me this month. I went to the washroom, paid and left. Everyone wished us luck. I hope their wish and my wish will come true. Below is my Duphaston supply. I have a 15 days of supply (2 tablet a day). If I don't get my period when I finish the medicine, I might have a good chance. Hoping for the best.

Total expenses : - RM 980

Duphaston 10mg - Tablet
Intrauterine Insemination

p/s - We were given RM9 exemption from the clinic. We paid RM12 for parking.
All in all for IUI we have spent RM2470 (not including the parking and vitamins that we are taking).


  1. Wishing u all the best n hope u'll get a BFP :-)

    1. Thanks for your wishes sis. Hope that you will achieve your new year resolution as well. Hope 2013 will be a happy one :-)
